Podcast coverage
Interview on sustainable industrialisation and industrial policy with TIPS (Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat), South Africa
There is an interview of me on sustainable industrialisation and industrial policy with TIPS (Trade and Industrial Policy Secretariat), South Africa. You can listen to it here.
Conversation on “Green Industrial Policy: What do Development Banks have to do with it?” for the CEBRI-CGD Podcast, "Development Banks in Green Transition" with Paulo Gala, chaired by Rogerio Studart
There is a conversation on “Green Industrial Policy: What do Development Banks have to do with it?”with Paulo Gala for the CEBRI-CGD Podcast, "Development Banks in Green Transition". It was chaired by Rogerio Studart. You can watch it here.
Interview, 'Red Pill Economics' at the 'Inspire Us' Podcast
There is an interview of me called 'Red Pill Economics' on the 'Inspire US' podcast. You can watch it here.
Podcast conversation, "Tackling the World's Biggest Challenges" with Naomi Hossain
There is a podcast conversation on "Tackling the World's Biggest Challenges" with Naomi Hossain. You can watch it here.
Podcast Interview at Equals on 'Inequality, Corporate Greed and Economics for the 99%'
There is a podcast Interview of me at Equals on 'Inequality, Corporate Greed and Economics for the 99%'. You can listen to it here.
Podcast interview with Owen Jones, 'Economist DESTROYS Neo-Liberal Economics: Ha-Joon Chang's Tasty Ideas'
There is a podcast interview with Owen Jones, 'Economist DESTROYS Neo-Liberal Economics: Ha-Joon Chang's Tasty Ideas'. You can watch it here.
Interview at McKinsey Author Talks: A food-loving economist crafts a recipe for humane capitalism
There is an interview of me at McKinsey Author Talks: 'A food-loving economist crafts a recipe for humane capitalism'. You can watch and listen to it here.
An interview in the RSA's 'Bridges to the Future - Response to Covid-19' podcast series
There is an interview of me in the RSA's 'Bridges to the Future - Response to Covid-19' podcast series. You can listen to it here.